I used to do a set about flags (Clip below), I still do sometimes. I don't like it when people say "Have you brought the flags?" by the way, it makes me understand how Rod Hull felt about that Emu.
I DO like flags by the way but not enough to justify only doing jokes about flags for the rest of my life...
A song I end longer shows on and sometimes do at gigs where they have a projector, it's 'Do They Know It's Christmas' but with all the syllables changed to names of places. Look, it works better live okay?

This is a picture of the comedian Si Buglass being a toddler Hitler. It is my favourite photograph in the world. Below is a video of us being pretty certain that we could dance like the early 90s rap duo Kid N' Play. It shows the folly of certainty.
A video I'm in. Gavin Webster is the main one in it, Sammy Dobson and Mat Reed are in it too. It shows why I don't list 'actor' on my biography page.
A sketch featuring myself, Gavin and Cal Halbert parodying something you've probably long forgotten about.
Highlights of the game show 'Punchlines', hosted by Mat Reed, also featuring Gavin Webster, Sammy Dobson and Hal Branson.
I was a member of the sketch group Funny Team, for more information on this, click the below image:

The poster for my 2016 Fringe show.

The poster for my 2017 Tour.

The poster for my 2017 Fringe show.

The poster for my 2018 Tour

The poster for my 2018 South Shields Show

The poster for my 2018 Fringe Show

The poster for my 2018 Tour Show